Monday, September 29, 2008

Confessions of a Moonlighter

I woke up with a jolt in my head, maybe it's a hangover from last night's gimmick with my friends or a realization I have in mind these past few days or should I say, years. But one thing's for sure, I always wake up early in the morning to get ready for office work. I've been working for years already and it's feels like I'm in a monotonous rut right now. Juggling my moonlighting (sideline or second job) and work at the same time is no easy feat. I do love my job and I like the idea of working but sometimes, it just sucks. You know the feeling I'm-not-in-the-mood for work feeling but you still get up and head straight to the office to report for work. It's always work, work, work - it's always the same routine everyday. At times, I think I have no choice at all but to work. But, there are choices and if you can't find it in one place, you've got to find it elsewhere.

Working eight to ten hours a day is definitely not my cup of tea. I want to work at my own pace and timing because I want to get hold of my time. I'd like to do other things but I can't because I'm locked inside this cornered cubicle of mine. But who am I to complain? I know by heart that my work sustained me and my family for the past few years. Needless to say, I am paid for my job and the time I give to the company. What keeps me sane these days is my love for my work. And, I'm very much aware that I just can't quit my job especially now that the times are hard. One thing's for sure, all companies really maximize their employees' potential, so no matter how hard we work, our hard work will still not be compensated or so I thought. In my humble opinion, it is not a wise decision to become employees for the rest of our lives. So we've got to find a way out or else, life gets boring and so, so, so dull. No offense meant for these opinions running in my head. When you're the employee, you're at your company's mercy, you don't really own your time because the company owns your time at the moment of work!

Reality really bites. Our economy's condition is truly devastating and the prices of commodities have gone haywire. Who cares about the low dollar rate? It's as if nothing's changed because apparently, many Filipinos are still suffering and they're still counting. Our fares are not that fair anymore, it's like killing the passengers whenever they commute! Damn, such changes are inevitable these days but in a way, changes could be healthy too if we only knew what to do about these things. We all know that time is money and therefore, we should not waste our time. What I did was to have small jobs other than my current job. I tried moonlighting and I'd say that the rewards are good. I chose to have sidelines rather than depend on my meager salary. As the old adage puts it, "It's not how much you earn but how much you save that matters." Saving is one of the best ways to prepare for the future but it isn't enough if we want to achieve financial freedom. The earlier we start saving for the rainy days, the better. Think of business moguls Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Robert Kiyosaki and get inspired. Nowadays, I learned to save and use my money wisely.

Do you want to become a financially independent person? I know you do. Admit it. You want to get rich or simply put, have a stable source of income to support the lifestyle you choose. There is nothing wrong about wanting to achieve financial freedom and become rich. Contrary to the popular belief that money is the root of all evil, money is a tool to avoid evil, if it’s used for good. Of course, at times like these, we have to be stable enough to support our chosen lifestyle. If you're living on a minimum wage, be tight-fisted when it comes to financial matters. We can't let money slip out of our hands just like that. Don't spend like you're a millionaire if you are not. Priority is key. We have to prioritize our expenses and we have to know where our money goes. So every payday, I make it a point to save what I've earned. At least, my hard-earned money will grow. Saving alone is not enough so we've got to find other effective ways to get out of this financial rut. Even if you are the owner of multiple banks and corporations, it is not a guarantee that you will be worry-free financially.

Remember, our spending habits can greatly affect our financial status which is why we should be very careful on how we spend our dough. I also learned that it would be better to shop when it's needed, than to shop impulsively without even thinking where to spend the money. Unless I'm rich, I can splurge and shop till I drop provided that I can support that kind of lifestyle. A nearly perfect example would be this: You always buy designer bags, cutesy flip-flops and other fun things to add to your collection. I’m not saying it’s bad to spoil yourself and splurge on these things but if the time comes there’s an emergency (e.g. hospital expenses), would you be able to get your money back on these purchases right away? Unfortunate as it seems, your collection will just look through your gaze but it wouldn’t return your money when you need it the most. While you still have lots of time and money, save a portion of your allowances and watch your money grow. As we all know, time is gold and money combined. Bear in mind that lost time can never be recovered. Well, you don’t want to lose gold, don’t you?

Saving alone is not enough although it will be very useful in the long haul. Another effective way to make money grow is to invest it. Having your own business is a wise decision to make if you have the money and dedication to make your business reach its maximum potential. It can be risky but it's definitely worth it. What if you do not have enough capital? Keep in mind this simple but wise byword, "If there's a will, there's a way." You can borrow money from friends, banks or lending institutions. Possibilities are endless, it's in the matter of finding ways to achieve that financial goal. We should make the most of our time to achieve a good financial state. There is no other good time to start but NOW. If you're fainthearted, achieving financial independence will be very impossible and far from your reach. You may think that you may fail or lose a lot of money when you start going into business but hey, you're not going to learn if there are no failures at all. It may be a gamble, but we should learn to take risks or else we'll never be financially stable. What if your budding entrepreneurial spirit soared and blossomed into something that is more than from what you asked for? That would be hitting the jackpot!

As of the moment, I’m still working to achieve financial freedom but it’s comforting to know that I was able to support myself without my parents’ help. Sure, it feels good when your folks can give you a nice, expensive car and support all your needs. Come to think of this, wouldn't it be nicer if you’re the one who bought it for yourself? I assure you, nothing compares to that uplifting feeling of independence. Why? Because deep inside you, you know that you can be independent.

Above all of these, I'm thankful that I'm still working. I've learned a lot of what it feels like to be working not just for me but for others as well. Because of work, I became wise enough to discern what kind of work and moonlighting I'll have in order to achieve financial freedom. Now, my eyes are widely opened to reality and what it will bring to my life. I fully understand what our parents have gone through, now that I am working to support myself and my family.

Remember, we may be ordinary individuals without a political position or influence but we can do something to contribute progress in our country. Just by knowing that we did not contribute to poverty is one of the first steps to becoming a responsible and financial literate citizen of the republic.

Find ways to become financially free and believe that you have the power to create your own opportunity. I assure you, this is one decision you will never regret.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions About Chemotherapy

In My Humble Opinion...(Note: This is plainly my opinion & not someonelse's)
As of this writing, I lost three friends who took chemotherapy. =c(Died As of July 01, 2008)
I wrote this because I want to help and enlighten others about chemotherapy. I believe that we have to be informed about the effects of this treatment. We may never use some of the facts written here but our friends and some loved ones who plan to take the treatment will benefit from what we have learned if we share this little piece of information to them. So please spread the word.
I decided to do some research regarding this matter, not to mention that I've LOST loved ones who have undergone chemotherapy. Because of what happened, I am driven to help other individuals anyway, anyhow. I know I am not an expert and I am not knowledgeable about some things about "chemo" but I want to share these valuable information I've found. It seems true to me and for other cancer survivors who survived without undergoing chemotherapy. Although we all know that healing varies from person to person, it is still better to try other options before committing ourselves to the "hassles" of chemotherapy. The article below will discuss to you the importance of getting a second opinion. Nobody's perfect and getting a second opinion won't hurt. Getting various of opinions may leave a dent in your wallet because of the high consultation fees, but hey, this your life and you've only got one life which is deemed IRREPLACEABLE.
In rare cases where some individuals took the chemo risk, very few are reported to have survived the chemotherapy battle. One reason would be their very strong immune system and another reason is the early detection of their cancerous cells. But this is rare because most people who have undergone the treatment did not get the expected results. The life of the patient is prolonged but there is NO ASSURANCE that the cancer will be cured. And what can you say about some healthbuffs who have undergone chemo but DIED a year after?! Just because you're healthy doesn't mean that you're on the safe track! We're all at risk! Even the health of healthiest person can deteriorate after several sessions of chemotherapy! See, there are no guarantees.In chemotherapy, the cancer cells are killed but some of the good cells are also killed as well. Thus,the immune system weakens and the body suffers the undesirable effects of chemotherapy. Sad to say, many lives are at stake and most of the people who tried this treatment died. If I am the cancer patient, I would find several solutions first, like taking herbal supplements. No matter what you do, you're still taking risks. As for me, I'd risk my life taking herbal supplements first before plunging myself into the ocean and madness chemotherapy.
Up to this point of time, experts around the world are still studying and experimenting stuff that will cure cancers and other deadly diseases. So, the best way to avoid certain cancers is to prevent it. As the old adage goes, "Prevention is better than cure." I still believe that there are miracles but miracles are bound to happen if we have an able mind to make sound decisions and better judgment before taking any kind of treatment to cure our sickness.
For those of you who want to live a healthy lifestyle and want to help our cancer-stricken brothers and sisters, please send me a message including your contact information. I am currently involved in E-Excel Philippines, Amega Global and Nikken (sideline). These are companies helping people live life to the fullest by creating HEALTH & WELLNESS products. Seminars and product demonstrations are provided, no fees charged, all for free! Rest assured that your needs will be met and your concerns answered! My good entrepreneur friends are the speakers and they will accomodate you accordingly and explain every detail you have to know about HEALTHY and WEALTHY living. =D
Need a great evidence? I have colleagues and some friends who survived cancer without undergoing the treatment. They'd be very happy to tell you about their miraculous healing. =D Feel free to contact me for an appointment.üAnyway, here goes the recap of my so-called chemo research: ~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~
Benefits and disadvantages of chemotherapy
Many people are concerned about having chemotherapy, because of the side effects that can occur. However, side effects can often be well controlled with medicines, and some people have only a few side effects. Some people ask what would happen if they did not have the treatment. Treatment can be given for different reasons and the potential benefits will vary depending upon the individual situation.In people with early cancer, surgery is often done with the aim of curing the cancer and chemotherapy may be given to reduce the risks of it coming back. It is helpful to discuss with your cancer specialist how much the chemotherapy may reduce the chance of the cancer coming back in your particular situation.If the cancer is at a more advanced stage, the aim of treatment may be to control the cancer. This can lead to a reduction in symptoms, a better quality of life, and it can possibly prolong life. However, for some people the treatment will have no effect upon the cancer and they will get the side effects without any of the benefit. If you choose not to have treatment in this situation, you can still be given supportive (palliative) care, with medicines to control any symptoms.The decision about whether to have chemotherapy treatment can be a difficult one and you may need to discuss it in detail with your doctor. The nurses at Cancerbackup can also discuss the benefits and disadvantages with you.The treatment can be physically exhausting for the patient. Current chemotherapeutic techniques have a range of side effects mainly affecting the fast-dividing cells of the body. Important common side-effects include (dependent on the agent):Pain Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea or constipation Anemia Malnutrition Hair loss Memory loss Depression of the immune system, hence (potentially lethal) infections and sepsis Weight loss or gain Hemorrhage Secondary neoplasms Cardiotoxicity Hepatotoxicity Nephrotoxicity Ototoxicity Other side effectsIn particularly large tumors, such as large lymphomas, some patients develop tumor lysis syndrome from the rapid breakdown of malignant cells. Although prophylaxis is available and is often initiated in patients with large tumors, this is a dangerous side-effect which can lead to death if left untreated.A proportion of patients report fatigue or non-specific neurocognitive problems, such as an inability to concentrate; this is sometimes called post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment, colloquially referred to as "chemo brain" by patients' groups.Specific chemotherapeutic agents are associated with organ-specific toxicities, including cardiovascular disease (e.g., doxorubicin), interstitial lung disease (e.g., bleomycin) and occasionally secondary neoplasm (e.g. MOPP therapy for Hodgkin's disease.The advantages-It kills the cancer cells. It cannot distinguish between good cells and bad cells. It also destroys the good body cells. Results in hairloss, skin deformity, weight loss, too painful etc. Avoid if you can. There are some herbal supplements to nullify the side effects of chemo.Can destroy cancer cells after a surgeon removes the bulk of a tumor. Can buy you time even if cancer isn't curable. Can give you peace of mind after surgery.Disadvantages-Sometimes it feels worse than the cancer did.Makes you sick sick sick.Can kill you Can leave you vulnerable to nasty infections.Get A Second OpinionI cannot stress this enough. Get a second opinion from a specialist before you do anything else. Do not be afraid to take the time to do this. Do not be afraid to tell your doctor that you want a second opinion. This is your life we are talking about! People - doctors - make mistakes, and no doctor knows everything there is to know about treating cancer. Getting input from several doctors (specialists) will only help you in the long run. Do NOT begin chemotherapy before getting a second opinion. Make A List of Questions To Ask Your DoctorBefore you begin chemotherapy treatment, make a list of questions to ask your doctor so that you can be fully aware of what to expect. Here is a list of questions to get you started: What drugs will I be administered? How will they be administered? Where do I need to go to get my chemotherapy treatment? Is the place known for treating cancer? Is it a specialty at this facility? How many treatments will I need? What's the expected plan? How long will the rest periods in between last? What side effects should I expect? Will I lose my hair? How far into the treatments before these side effects will begin? How long after treatment ends will the side effects cease? How will you help me to deal with the side effects? Will I be able to work during treatment? If not, how soon after treatment ends will I be able to return to work? What do I need to do to care for myself during and between treatments? How will I know if something is wrong and that I need to seek medical care? What warning signs should I look for that indicate something is wrong? What happens if this treatment is ineffective? What other treatment options are available to me? Will I need someone to care for me either full- or part-time during my treatment? If so, can you recommend someone? Will my insurance cover this? Can I visit the place where my chemotherapy treatment will take place before the treatment begins? Get Your Teeth CleanedMany patients experience oral problems during chemotherapy treatment because the chemotherapy causes irritation, sores, and infection in the lining of the mouth. Get your teeth cleaned and have your dentist resolve any oral issues before starting chemotherapy. See A NutritionistIt's best to do this before your chemotherapy starts because you may not feel up to it later. A nutritionist will help you to maintain a healthy body weight and give you guidance about what vitamins and minerals will help you to stay healthy during and after chemotherapy. The Nutritionist will continue to give you guidance after chemotherapy to help you heal and physically recover from the stresses of chemotherapy. Why Do I Need A Second Opinion?Getting a second opinion allows you to not only confirm the diagnosis, but also to get a different perspective on your treatment options. Some doctors are more conservative and others more aggressive. There may be good arguments for several different options. By getting a second opinion, you get to hear all of your options. It is also possible that another doctor might come up with a completely different and more promising option - one that your first doctor didn't think of, or didn't know about. No doctor can know everything or make the right decision all the time. A second opinion can also serve as a quality check - to make sure you're really getting the most current and most effective treatment. When Should I Get A Second Opinion?There is no straight forward answer for when you need a second opinion. You should evaluate your situation to determine what is best for you. The information provided in this article addresses many of the common situations encountered by newly diagnosed patients. It will give you guidance for determining if you need a second opinion. My Doctor told me there is no beneficial treatments for me. So Why Should I Get A Second Opinion?Many times patients are told there's no hope and that no further treatment exists that would be beneficial. So, what do you have to lose by getting a second opinion? Sometimes tumors deemed inoperable by one surgeon are found to be operable by another. Sometimes close examination of the case could change the diagnosis from one kind of cancer to another, more treatable type. Sometimes another doctor will know of a promising treatment that the first one didn't know about. All of these things have and continue to happen. My Doctor Said My Cancer is "Borderline" and I Probably Don't Need Treatment At This Time, So Why Should I Get A Second Opinion?If you're hearing words such as "almost", "possible", "probably", "maybe", "chances", "unlikely", etc., you should, most definitely, get a second opinion. For instance, if your doctor says, "Your tumor is probably inoperable, and the chances of removing all of the cancer are unlikely", get a second opinion. Or, more obvious (and yes, it does happen) if your doctor suggests a treatment that just sounds "off the wall" to you, get a second opinion. For instance, if your doctor says "All the cancer in your bladder is gone, but I think we should remove your bladder anyway", get a second opinion. Conversely, if your doctor suggests "waiting" to see what happens, get a second opinion. Some cancers grow very fast. If you wait too long, you may find that it's now too late. I Live In A Rural Area Where Expertise is Scarce. Should I Get A Second Opinion?If you live in a rural area and get treatment at a small hospital, it may be beneficial to get a second opinion from a doctor at a major hospital. Source: Internet

The Ostrich Farm

Location: near Barangay Magpapalayoc, Nueva Ecija (Philippines)

Vis-à-vis with an ostrich? Hahaha, I did it! It’s an awesome experience looking through their soulful gaze. =D They have big, round, clear gray eyes and no colored contact lenses can beat those beautiful set of peepers. Hehehe, my purple contact lenses were outdated back then! I wore shades to cover up my cheap-looking eyes! Lolzzzz!

Ostrich Information:

An adult ostrich stands more than 6 feet! The ostrich is a fast-running African flightless bird with two-toed feet! Yes, it’s two-toed but it’s very big, about size 10 of a woman’s shoe! Man, they are really tall,,, I think they’ll make it to NBA..and they are runners! Move over Kobe Bryant and Lydia de Vega! (peace out :->) Geez, very athletic indeed!

Overall, I think everything else is big when you look at them from head to toe and in between. =) Yeah, you guessed it right. There is no other word to describe it but big! Now, you’re grinning! ü

On tour:

The guide told us not to be too noisy (and nosy) so as not to disturb these wonderful creatures. Once disturbed, the ostrich will not eat for hours, days even. Hahaha, sumpong? Tantrums? Hot flashes? Just behave and act accordingly…and don’t forget to have your pictures taken. c”,)

Ostrich babies are soooooo cute but they don’t look like babies because they’re big, too. I really dunno how to measure accurately but if I’m not mistaken, they stand about 2-3 feet. Amazing!!! Needless to say, the experience is s-u-p-e-r especially if you are an animal lover! Just looking at them will make you smile a liitle or ……..A LOT!

Be sure to have your videocam with you. Seeing them run back and forth is a sight to behold. I’m sure you’re going to take a second look, third, fourth….you count. =p


They sell ostrich lamps, shoes, eggshells, jewelry boxes and feathers! Pres. GMA, politicians and other foreign dignitaries are the Ostrich Farm’s regular customers. Their items make great gifts for everyone! =) Hey, I should be paid for this…for doing this so-called promotion! (Rolling on the floor laughing!) No need for promotion, though! The Ostrich Farm is sought worldwide!

How to get there:

Oh my God, I really dunno! When u get to Nueva Ecija, just ask! Don’t leave NE without visiting the Ostrich Farm. I got to talk with the owner and her colleague ( who is my friend and BROOD orgmate). Their eyes are beaming with pride while they share these dazzling ostrich moments.

Tali Beach

Location: Nasugbu, Batangas (Philippines)

If u want a clean beach, try visiting Tali Beach in Nasugbu, almost 30 minutes from Taal. If you’re from Manila, it will take u about 4-5 hours to get there. I really don’t know the exact name of the beach but, the residential resort’s name is Tali, hence, Tali Beach. Actually, I don’t know that this place exists, hahaha! I just joined my friend’s company outing and, voila, that’s it!! =)

The good thing about this place is that it’s very private, it is as if u own the place. At the time of our visit, very few people will be seen in the area. Maybe that’s the reason why the beach is clean, not to mention the place is a residential resort. I only shelled out P1,000 for this trip and there are 13 of us. Cheap, isn’t it? The house is cool, complete with facilities and the like.

I’ve been to some beaches in Subic (some are clear) but this one is clearer. You can really see the sand and its color, especially the rocks. The only downside is that, there are soooooo many rocks in this mean beach! =D If you’re not careful enough, you’ll end up having lotza wounds so you gotta be careful as you stroll along the sea shore.

Ne-Yo Day!!!

Hahaha, dunno how to start this blog but here goes… That fateful night of Feb. 29, 2008, OMG, ‘twas Ne-yo Day! I declared it an official holiday, Ne-yo Day! Call me an addict, a bitch or call me whatever, I don’t care! We went (my best friend, sister & I) to Shaffer Chimere Smith’s concert and it was an awesome experience. Okay, the downside was, I was deafened by all kinds of noise this world can bear! Who can blame the hordes of fans? Who can blame if the crowd partied like there was no tomorrow?! Who can blame if all the lozenges and sore throat antiseptics went out of stock? There’s no one to blame but Ne-yo!

He sang my top fave songs:
(a) Go On Girl – Who can’t relate to this?!
(b) So Sick – Very, very true!
(c) Sexy Love – No need to explain ‘coz it’s damn sexy =)
(d) Because Of You – The melody and rhythm is way great!
..and many more!!!!!!!!!

But he didn’t sing “Hate That I Love You”….:-( Oh, I’m mad! Man, Ne-yo’s a talented performer!!! =D You’ve got to hear him sing LIVE. To hear is to believe and to see is to enjoy. ü